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Social Committee

Members (2025)

Lee Bruzaitis, Chair

Karen Angelo

Maureen Benesch

Mary Brennan

Tony Bruzaitis

Eileen Daly

Bob DeFeo

Diane DeFeo

Caryl Guziejewski

Linda Parlock

Rose Szpara

Mike Wiggins


TUES 2/18 AT 3:30PM


Upcoming Events:

Feb. 16 - Potluck Dinner

April 12 - Spring Fling Dinner Dance

May 4 - Cinco De Mayo Fiesta!

June 13 - Outdoor Block Party

A Message from the Social Chair

Join Us!

The Social Committee plans parties and other events for the community. We are looking for more volunteers to help us out. Our committee plans about 6 parties or entertainment events each year for the enjoyment of our residents. What we don’t do: the monthly pool parties (that’s Recreation), bingo (that’s for the other clubs to do as fundraisers), and trips (that’s Travel).

Please consider joining us! Jobs include planning events, booking caterers and entertainment, decorating, selling tickets, shopping, and helping with setup and cleanup on the day of the events. We usually meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3:30PM. If you can't make the meetings, you can still help with events!


You may contact me at .


The calendar below shows all of our events, meetings, ticket sales and other committee activities.

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